not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 POST # 597

According to my records, this is round number four with Mr. Leon, so he has had plenty of opportunity to teach me the finer points of being brushed by his human slave.  On multiple occasions throughout the day, the brush comes out, and Mr. Leon is right there to accept having his fur taken care of, just the way that he likes it.  I can tell by his purring, and the drool dripping out of his mouth, that I have perfected the technique.  The truth be known, I'm pretty sure that I get as much pleasure doing the brushing, as he gets receiving it, although I refuse to drool and purr along with him.  I have my limits.

Of course, I don't spend the entire day brushing him, because of course, he has other things to do throughout the day.  Like for instance, taking time to enjoy the fragrance of a plant situated next to his outdoor deck.

With all of this activity to keep him occupied, the poor furball has to spend a significant portion of his time, resting up in order to prepare for the same treatment the next day.

While he sleeps, I have time to do other activities, and before long, the day has come to an end, and it's time for the human slave to get some shut eye.  After all, I have to rest up for tomorrow, so that I can make sure that Mr. Leon's brush slave is ready to pick up the brush, and begin my job once again.

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

Sunday, April 28, 2024


 POST # 596

It's just past 4:30 pm as I begin to write the blog for today.  This is very late for me to be starting, but we've been busy all day.  Mary had family visiting from Oregon, and we have just arrived back home, after saying goodbye to them.

The tulip festival has now come to a close, and the tourist traffic is now heading back to where they came from.  And in two days, I too will be heading back to Canada, to begin my next house sit.  

Dora-dog seemed to be unimpressed with most of the day's activities, and is happy to be back home.  Mind you, she did get to spend some time with two of her four-legged friends, Murphy and Frankie, so that helped her enjoy at least part of the day.  

That's about all that I can come up with today, for this very short post.  Perhaps I'll be inspired to write more on my next blog post, and I'll make sure not to begin so late in the day.

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

Sunday, April 21, 2024


 POST # 595


On my final morning at the Grand Forks house sit, I managed to get one more photo of my chipmunk friend, prior to him zipping off the deck and disappearing.  This was how the day began.  I managed to get a few more walks in with Bella, and on the final walk, I had her pose just at the foot of the infamous hill, where I had one more chance to look up the hill, and remember what happened back in 2012.  

Bella was looking very happy at this point in time, but that mood was soon to change, when I informed her that I would be saying goodbye soon.  You can see from  the look on her face (below) that she was shocked by the news.  I offered her a treat, and she grabbed it, but then just let it drop to the floor.  That was a sure sign that she understood that something was up. 

By 11 am it was time for me to depart, so with one final pat on the head, I said so long to my new bonehead friend, and walked out on the deck, to head downstairs to the truck.  

The first part of my journey was driving from Grand Forks to Kelowna, which took about three hours, and I arrived shortly after 2 pm to meet up with the Bella's owners, have a quick visit with them, followed by them dropping me off at the bus station in downtown Kelowna.  Eventually the bus showed up, and we were on our way to Vancouver, arriving about an hour behind schedule.  I arrived late at my neice's place, and it was soon time for bed, as it had been a long day.

The following day, it was time to once again board the Amtrak train and head across the border to see Mary and Dora-dog.  It was a beautiful sunny day for the journey, as can be seen from the photo I took as we travelled along the coast to my stop at Mount Vernon, WA.  Mary was there to meet me, along with Dora-dog, and we headed home.

Here is a photo of Dora-dog (of course), showing her happiness after a morning play session with her latest favourite toy.  It was sad to see Bella's face, upon my departure, but a smile on Dora-dog's face helps to ease the pain.

And finally, a rainbow from last night, to finish off today's post.

grateful for every breath,


The Thoughtful Wanderer

Sunday, April 14, 2024


 POST # 594

Last Tuesday, when I looked outside, the weather seemed conducive to finally attempt to re-climb my "favourite" hill that I had tumbled down back in 2012.  Bella appeared to be excited about this new adventure, so around 10 a.m., we started out on our journey.  Last Tuesday was April 9th, which happened to be the fortieth anniversary of my dad's death, so I probably could have chosen a more auspicious date, but be that as it may, with Bella leading the way, I started to climb, and before too long, we were both at the top, looking down.  The above photo is taken from the spot ( or close enough to it) that I had gone crashing down, all those years ago.  It looks a bit different from before, as the trees have grown up, so the path to the bottom isn't as clear cut as it was in 2012, but you get the idea.  We remained up there for about half an hour, and then began our journey back home.

Once we had returned to the bottom, I took the next series of photos.  The first photo, shows the place where I ended my tumble, right next to the orange coloured support wire of the power pole.  In fact, I do recall hanging my legs over that small dug out part of the hill, and that was when I realised that I had done some serious injury to my right leg.  Aside from the immense pain, when I moved my leg back and forth, my right foot just seemed to flop around on its own.  Not good.  So now what?  You can see the little shack in the photo, and that was where I decided to head, in order to see if there was anything at all that I might be able to use as "crutches" to help me back to the house.  It took quite a long time to make that short journey, considering I had to do it sitting down.  Eventually I got there, and found a long handled spade shovel, and a two by two piece of wood.  Ever so slowly, I managed to stand up on my left leg, and begin heading to the house.  Every few steps, Sadie my boneheaded friend of 2012, would pick up her tennis ball and drop it in front of me, hoping for me to play.  She was sadly disappointed with my lack of response.

But before I show the route to the house, here is one more photo below, that shows where I fell down the hill.  If one lines up the bottom of the orange coloured wire, and draws a line straight up to the tree at the top of the hill, that's about the best view of the area that I tumbled down.

Okay, so back to the route home. The following series of four photos, shows the route, which at the time was covered in about a foot of snow.  The sun was shining, and aside from everything else, I was overheating, but somehow, step by step, I made it to the end of this trail, followed by climbing up two hills, and finally to the steps at the house, which I had to go up on my rear end, and eventually into the house, where I managed to phone the neighbour for assistance.

Just to add insult to injury, when I arrived at the foot of the staircase, I fell over onto my injured leg.  That certainly didn't help matters.

So I guess that covers it.  I was going to try and make the journey again this week, just using my left leg and the same things as crutches, in order to find out just how long it took me back then to walk that distance, however I decided against it, which was probably a wise decision on my part.  

The remainder of today's blog is a variety of photos, to make up for the lack of them from last week, so here we go.

                          Arriving in Grand Forks for the start of this current house sit.

                         Bella sizing up her new human friend.

One of the many chipmunks taking advantage of the spilled sunflower seeds.

                          Bella enjoys a dip into the Granby river nearby.

A red breasted Nuthatch (Sitta Canadensis) on the deck railing.

Bella enjoys the view from the front deck.

I returned for a visit to the hospital.

Morning fog bank over the Granby river.

Happy horse by the river.

My current home.

A new structure since my previous visit in 2012.

A shrine to my former four-legged friends of 2012.

And finally, three photos of a Violet-green Swallow (tachycineta thalassina).  I love watching Swallows in flight, and I was out on the deck just yesterday afternoon, when all of a sudden I heard a clunk, and one dropped down beside me on the deck, after colliding with the window. It was still alive, so after a few moments, I picked it up, and placed it upon the deck railing, where it sat for about 10 minutes. At that point, I walked over to  it, gave it a few strokes along its back, and voila, it flew off like nothing was wrong.  I was happy to see that event.

Come this Tuesday, I will once again be on my way.  I have very much enjoyed my journey back here, to re-live some old memories, and enjoy spending time with Bella.  Perhaps I will have another chance to spend time here in the future, but if not, I am thankful for having had this opportunity.

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

Sunday, April 7, 2024


 POST # 593

The last time that I posted from my current house sit location, was just over twelve years ago.  Back then, I didn't have the ability to post photos, and for some strange reason, I can't post any today.  

I arrived here three days ago.  I am back at the place where I fell down the mountain back on March 4, 2012, and since my arrival, I have lost count of how many times I've replayed the events of that day in my mind.

The weather hasn't been the greatest so far, so I have yet to attempt to re-climb the mountain, but it is certainly on my "to do" list before I depart from here.  One thing that I have done though, is to walk to the place at the foot of the mountain, where I ended up after my fall, and from there, walk back to the house.  I am amazed even now, how I managed to cover that distance with only one leg to support me.  

Luckily for me on that fateful day, I had a phone to use once I returned to the house, and I could call the neighbour for help.  If I hadn't had the use of the phone, or if the neighbour hadn't been home at the time, I may have ended my days right here where I currently sit typing out these words. Thankfully, that was not to be, and twelve years later, I am still blogging away.

What's new this time around is that it's no longer Sadie to keep me company, but Bella instead.  She's very easy to care for so I am grateful for that.  She's just happy to hang out with this new human, and enjoy the days as they pass by.

So that's exactly what we are going to do, just hang out with each other, go for some walks, and with any luck, climb back up that mountain one more time.  If I manage to sort out my photo upload problem, I'll post a few photos later, and if not, then I guess it wasn't meant to be.

And for those readers who may want to read my post from 2012, you can find it here.

grateful for every breath,


The Thoughtful Wanderer


Thursday, March 28, 2024


 POST # 592

You just never know exactly what you may come across while out for a daily walk with Dora-dog.  We came across this sign the other day, and it made me chuckle, so I thought that I would include it in today's post.  The squirrels were nowhere to be seen, but if they had been around,  Dora-dog would most certainly have let me know about it.  She loves to chase the squirrels, but so far has never managed to catch one.  

Unless it's raining hard, a daily walk is part of the routine while I am here.  Sometimes it's just me and Dora, and at other times, the three of us head out on our journey to various places around the local neighbourhood, or to a dog park so that Dora-dog can hang out with some of her four-legged friends.

The other day, a neighbour called, to tell us that she was taking her dog Sully for a walk, and so we met up and the three humans and Sully and Dora-dog began our journey to the marina and back.  The two dogs know one another, so they were happy to have the chance to hang out together for a while.  I had the pleasure of taking Sully and Benson for a stroll almost three years ago, and so I wrote about that at the time.  Here is a link to that post.

Sadly, Benson is no longer with us, but the other two seemed to enjoy their walk in spite of their buddy not being with the two of them.

Every now and again, it was time to take a short break, and let them relax for a few moments and take in the surroundings.  

Eventually, Sully headed home with his owner, and we continued on our way back home as well.  Dora-dog appears to be happy that she is back home, but she's probably thinking about the wonderful time that she has just spent with her buddy, Sully, and perhaps she's looking forward to another journey with her four-legged friend, sometime in the future.

A daily walk is a good thing for all of us to partake in, but it is certainly more enjoyable, if the walk can be shared with four-legged friends such as Sully and Dora-dog.

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

Thursday, March 21, 2024


 POST # 591

View from Mt. Erie on Fidalgo Island (1273 'ASL)

Spring has finally arrived, and along with it, there have been some wonderfully sunny days lately, which is a welcome relief after the extended period of grey days.  As I write these words, the grey skies have returned, so it was good that we took advantage of the nice weather and headed up to the viewpoint(above), on Fidalgo Island.  This is the view looking south with Campbell Lake in the foreground and Skagit Sound to the south of it.   It was a beautiful spring day, with a magnificent view.

Another sign that spring is here, is the fact that the daffodils are now in bloom, soon to be followed by tulips.  Even Dora-dog is enjoying them.

It's always a good idea to get out for a walk, especially when the weather is cooperating, and so we wandered down to the local park to spend some precious time overlooking the water and the bridge.

Dora-dog was having a good day indeed, as you can tell from the expression upon her face.

It seems like that's about all I have to say for today, so I'll wrap this up, and with any luck, the clouds may clear off soon, and we can get back out there and enjoy the day.

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

Thursday, March 14, 2024


 POST # 590

One day, I was riding my bike back to where my mom and dad used to live, and when I arrived, my sister and brother in law had just arrived in their car.  They were on the way to the hospital, because my sister Judy was very pregnant, and was about to give birth to my niece, Selina.  While Don went into the house to drop off some things, Judy sat in the car, looking very uncomfortable indeed.  I was amazed to see what she was going through, but needless to say, she wasn't interested in having a conversation at the time.  She had other things on her mind.  Soon, they left and not long after they left, Selina was born.  The year was 1976.

Fast forward to this year.  Last week, our family found out that Selina had died on March 4th.  She was just 47 years old.  This was sad and very unexpected news for all of the family.  Since hearing the news, I have been thinking about Selina every single day, and that's why I chose to write about this today, instead of what I normally write about on my blog.  Isn't it strange.  I hadn't seen Selina for many years, and would rarely think about her, and yet since last week, I think about her every day.

I don't have much else to add to today's short post, but I felt the need to record this just the same.  Perhaps this is just another reminder to me, and to anyone who happens to read this, that life is precious, and we should try to appreciate each and every day as it comes along.  

My apologies to any of my readers who may have been hoping to see more dog or cat photos on my blog for today, but Selina was on my mind, so I felt the need to write these few words, in memory of my niece.

Here is a short video of Selina from 2016.

grateful for every breath,


The Thoughtful Wanderer 

Thursday, March 7, 2024


 POST # 589

Say hello to Lily.  As you can tell by the photo, she's a very relaxed bonehead.  Here she is, on one of her favourite chairs, getting ready to have yet another nap.  She deserves it, because after 12 years on the planet earth, she's earned some rest time.

Having recently spent time with the high energy of Caper at my previous house sit, Lily is a relaxing companion by comparison.

When she's not napping, she has a very lovely view to enjoy, and so does The Thoughtful Wanderer.  We are perched on a hill overlooking the Strait of Georgia, and it's hard not to want to spend the entire day just gazing out the windows.

One of the trees out front appears to be the home base for a couple of magnificent looking eagles.  They come and go throughout the day, but not a day has gone by, since my arrival, that I don't see them at least once.  

Most of the days that I have been here, the ocean has been roughed up by the wind, however late yesterday, for the first time, things calmed down, and the strait looked like a large, calm lake.

This has been a rather short house sit, and the owners arrive back home later today.  In spite of the shortness of the visit, I have enjoyed the location very much, and Lily is a real pleasure to spend time with.  

After our final walk of the day, she'll find another location in the house (she has plenty of them), to stretch out and have another nap.  After all, she has to save up some energy, in order to get ready for her evening meal.  What a life.

Thank you Lily, for spending some time with me, and sharing your lovely view.  

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


 POST # 588

What a life.  In my post from last week, I forgot to include the other pet that lives here. If you look closely you can make out the orange coloured tail fins of a fish called a loach, or as my friends describe it, "the ugly blue botia loach."

This critter spends its entire life on its own in this tank, and it's always in this position under the rock-like structure.  There had been other fish in the tank in years gone by, but this loach is the only remaining one.  I've never seen it swimming around, even once, but I know that it is alive, as every now and again, those orange tail fins flap up and down.

Each night, I feed it two of the little pellets that can be seen in the photo below.  I put a dime next to them to show just how small they really are. By the next morning the pellets are nowhere to be seen, but the loach is still in the same position as it was the day before.  That's its life.  

Perhaps the loach is trying to teach me a lesson, in letting me know just how blessed I am to have a multitude of activities to keep me occupied each and every day.  It, on the other hand, is stuck in that tank, with the only thing to look forward to are the two pellets that come floating down each evening.  If I ever find that I am feeling sorry for myself, from now on, all I have to do is think of the lonely loach, and that should set me right.

Soon I will be moving on to my next house sit, but the  lonely loach will continue on its existence, settled under a rock, at the bottom of a tank.  What a life.  What a lonely loach.

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


 POST # 587



It's once again time for the Logan Caper affair.  That's right.  I arrived here yesterday, after departing Vancouver, to head over to the island.  It's been just over a year since I last took care of these two critters, and even though Logan hasn't changed, thankfully Caper is somewhat less hyperactive than she was the last time that I was here.  For that, I am grateful indeed.

Caper still has plenty of energy though, so I imagine that she will keep me busy during my stay.  Logan, on the other hand, will spend most of his day probably sleeping, so that makes my job a little easier.  

This is only a short sit, as my friends leave here tomorrow to head off on their journey to Florida, and I will be departing here on March 1st to head to Nanaimo for my next sit.  On that day, I'll be handing off the Logan Caper affair to some other folks, who will remain here until my friends return from their journey south.

This is most certainly one of my favourite locations, as it's out in the country, which means two things.  It's dark at night, and it's very quiet. Dark and quiet are a nice change from the lights and noise of Vancouver.  

So I am looking forward to some quality time with these two critters, and with any luck the weather might even co-operate during my stay here.  And if the weather doesn't pan out, then at least the three of us can hang out together inside our cozy wood heated log cabin in the woods.

grateful for every breath,


The Thoughtful Wanderer