not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 POST # 598

I captured this photo of Lily, this past March, during my first, and as it turns out, the last house sit at her owner's home.  Just two days ago, they let me know that she had recently been unwell, and they accompanied her on her final journey to the vet.  Lily was almost thirteen years old, which is a pretty long life for most dogs, but I'm sure that her owners are extremely sad right now, as is their house sitter.

Lily was instantly likeable from the moment I met her, and I am so very thankful to her owners for trusting me to take care of her.  I would have liked to have had a second opportunity to do so, but that was not to be.

One thing that remains, is the memory of the time we spent together, and for that I am more than grateful, indeed.  If we were to accept that there is a dog heaven (as Gary Larson portrayed), then just perhaps, Lily is up there with all of her four-legged friends, having the time of her life.  From her gentle, and friendly behaviour during the time that we were together, I'm sure that she has earned her wings.

grateful for every breath,


The Thoughtful Wanderer

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 POST # 597

According to my records, this is round number four with Mr. Leon, so he has had plenty of opportunity to teach me the finer points of being brushed by his human slave.  On multiple occasions throughout the day, the brush comes out, and Mr. Leon is right there to accept having his fur taken care of, just the way that he likes it.  I can tell by his purring, and the drool dripping out of his mouth, that I have perfected the technique.  The truth be known, I'm pretty sure that I get as much pleasure doing the brushing, as he gets receiving it, although I refuse to drool and purr along with him.  I have my limits.

Of course, I don't spend the entire day brushing him, because of course, he has other things to do throughout the day.  Like for instance, taking time to enjoy the fragrance of a plant situated next to his outdoor deck.

With all of this activity to keep him occupied, the poor furball has to spend a significant portion of his time, resting up in order to prepare for the same treatment the next day.

While he sleeps, I have time to do other activities, and before long, the day has come to an end, and it's time for the human slave to get some shut eye.  After all, I have to rest up for tomorrow, so that I can make sure that Mr. Leon's brush slave is ready to pick up the brush, and begin my job once again.

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer