not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 POST # 612

Mary has a wonderful rhubarb patch in her garden, and on most days, I pick one or two of the stalks and have them as my early morning treat.  Munching on rhubarb, always reminds me of my dad.  And why is that?  Well, a very long time ago, when I was a child, we also had a rhubarb patch in our yard.  My sisters and I would eat the rhubarb after we had dipped the end of it into some sugar.  Because of its sour taste, we thought that adding sugar to it before putting it in our mouths, would help to lessen the sourness of it.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  And here is where dad comes into the story.  He would sprinkle a tiny bit of salt on the rhubarb, and eat it that way.

Somewhere along the way, I decided to try the salt option, and what do you know, it tasted much better.  At least that's what I think, and it's what my dad thought as well.  So each time I enjoy a stalk of rhubarb, with the addition of salt, it reminds me of dear old dad.

But the rhubarb season is coming to an end, as the days progress, so I will try and eat up as much of it as possible before I head back to Canada.

Here is this morning's serving, and if you look very closely, you can see the sprinkle of salt on the stalk.  Even Dora-dog looks somewhat interested.

And now for a complete change of subjects. Here is a photo that I took this morning.  The sign is located at the entrance to Shelter Bay, and on most occasions the words written usually elicit a laugh or two.  I thought this was a particularly witty one.

The sign changes every now and again, and most of the time, I get a laugh from the words that are written there.  Someone in the community has a pretty good sense of humour.

August is coming to a close, and this is my final post for the month.  By the time my next post is due on September 7th, I expect to be settled back in Vancouver for my next house sit assignment.  

In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy the company of Mary and Dora-dog while I'm still here, and in addition to that, I will enjoy more Rheum rhabarbarum (with salt) as well.

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

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