not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


POST # 321


What a bonehead. Mac really is "Mac"nificent.  I've had the great pleasure to get to know plenty of boneheads along this house/pet sitting path, and there are a few that come to mind that rise up to the top.  Mac is DEFINITELY one of those boneheads.  Right from our very first meeting, I knew that we were going to get along famously.  I haven't been disappointed.  He really is something.

The days are just flying right on by, and it won't be too long before I have to say goodbye to Mac, but in the meantime, we just try and spend as much time as possible in each other's company.  It's one of life's little pleasures.

So what does a typical day look like for the two of us?  Let's see.  As mentioned in the last post, our day begins rather early, thanks to the reliability of the resident furball alarm clock named Bert.  Mac follows me outside, and we both get to perform our male function of "watering" the ground as it were.  With that duty out of the way it's time for his breakfast of kibble, while I settle in with my morning coffee.  (Bert is up long enough to have his kibble, before returning to bed.)

 Then it's time to head out for our daily walk (3km) along the lonely country road that I am currently living on.  This is where Mac gets to teach the human how to stay in the present moment.  He does it with such ease.  I have to work at it constantly, but it is so worthwhile when I am there.  I can highly recommend it to one and all.  Mac concentrates with his nose, and I try to do the same using my eyes.  We usually come across an occasional bonehead on our journey, but Mac seems to be way more interested in what smells are wafting up from the road than with other boneheads.  However, once in a while we meet another human, and when that happens, he comes out of his trance for a few minutes and makes sure to introduce himself to the new two-legged.  He is just so friendly, that I am quite sure that if I handed over the leash to the stranger, Mac would be more than happy to wander off to his new home.  

Once we're back home, Mac has some time for a morning snooze, while I have breakfast.  After that is accomplished, it's Frisbee time.  We head back outside for a round of Frisbee, while we roam around the property, so that Mac can do his morning inspection to see (smell) what other critters may have wandered in on the previous night.

Some afternoons we drive into town for supplies, and on other days we head to the local provincial park, and stroll through the magnificent forest.

Mac gently suggesting that he drive.

Home again, and it's time for the daily round of chuckit, and when Mac has settled down to rest in the grass, I can get back to reading about Mark Twain, and maybe enjoy a beer as well.

Afternoon slides into evening, and after we've all been fed, the three of us have time to hang out together outside, as we watch the sun set, and later on enjoy gazing at the stars as they begin to appear in the night sky.

Finally, I don't subscribe to the point of view regarding reincarnation, whether it be for humans, or any other creature on the planet, however, if boneheads  could be reincarnated, then Mac would be the updated version of my old buddy, Breaker from the Yukon. * Breaker died in 2016, however when I stare into Mac's eyes, I could swear that it's Breaker who's staring back.

*Here is a link to my post about Breaker. In a strange coincidence, it was also posted on August 7th, from two years ago.  Hmmm, perhaps there is something to this bonehead reincarnation business after all? :-)

Saying so long to Breaker for the last time.


Living in acceptance,
The Thoughtful Wanderer

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