not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


POST # 414

I stumbled across this image which shows Earth from a distance of about 6 billion kilometers.  It was captured by the Voyager 1 space probe on February 14th, 1990.  Pale Blue Dot became the title for a book by Carl Sagan.

I have to agree with Carl, that "there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves." 

On most evenings, if the sky is clear, I do like to take a few moments and go outside and gaze up at the night sky.  Doing so, helps me put life's trials and tribulations into a clearer perspective.  I realize just how insignificant I am in the greater scheme of things, and for some reason or another, this brings me comfort.

If life were a baseball game, I would suspect that we are now well into the 9th inning, with time rapidly running out, and  no sign whatsoever that the home team (team human) is going to pull off a victory.  In fact, with abrupt irreversible climate change running the show now, (see here:, it appears that the game will soon be over.   That's all the more reason to do as Carl says, and try and "deal more kindly and compassionately with one another."

Our Pale Blue Dot will continue its circuit around and around the sun.  Our species won't be along for the ride for too much longer.  In the meantime, kindness and compassion are still in our individual control, for as long as each of us still exist.

Speaking of kindness and compassion, in two more days, I will have been here at my dear friend Mary's place for exactly four months.  Now, that is certainly a display of kindness and compassion as far as I am concerned.  Thank you, Mary. (and Dora-dog)

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

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