not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Thursday, April 21, 2016


POST # 211

It's now round two of my house sit responsibilities, here in Port Townsend, WA.  I arrived at my new location, only a couple of days ago, coming into town from the countryside.  The "Big Smoke" as it were, although Port Townsend isn't really all that big has a wonderful feel to it, and I suppose that part of the reason for that is the preservation of much of the "old" 19th century architecture.  I put the word old in quotes, because when one compares Port Townsend with other places in the world,  it's really not old at all.  However, from a North American perspective, it is.

This house that I am in was built during that period.  There is a house just down the street which was built in 1889, so this place would no doubt have a similar construction date*.  Whatever year it was built, I'm absolutely sure that it is the oldest house that I have ever house sat in.  I like this place, and it's interesting to imagine some of the people who lived here back then, and what their lives would have been like.  No internet in 1880, that's for sure.  In fact, I probably don't have to imagine the type of people who lived back then, because my next door neighbours (you can see the side of their house in the photo below) live their lives as though it was the 19th century.  You can watch a video clip of them in the link below.

Now that I look at the above photo, I probably should have removed the yellow car in front, which would have helped to make the house look more 19th century, but oh well, it is what it is.

Such a pleasant looking house wouldn't be complete without a pleasant looking furball to go along with it.  I'm pleased to introduce Petal, a rather small and quite young cat.  She still has plenty of  playfulness in her, and I've been making sure to spend as much time with her as possible.  Petal is an indoor cat, and she appears to be quite content with her life.  Why wouldn't she be?  After all, SHE'S A CAT!!!  And she has managed to "find" some humans to cater to her every need.  All she needs to do is eat, play and sleep.  It's a charmed existence for her.

Petal's favourite place to hang out is this little perch, where she spends much of her day, sleeping.  Of course, there are other prized locations as well, and the back of the couch is one of those places.

But in many ways, she's a typical furball and she uses furball logic.  An example of furball logic is illustrated in the following drawing from a book called, "All I Need To Know I Learned From My Cat", by Suzy Becker.

Anyone who has spent time with cats will understand this logic. First, the cat wants out, then it wants in, then back out again.  Fortunately for me, I don't have to deal with this problem with Petal, since her entire world exists here inside the house.

I've got another week here before I move on, and I'll certainly make the best of it.  Who knows, I might even introduce myself to my Victorian era neighbours.  

Happy Trails,

The Thoughtful Wanderer
*according to this house was built in 1887

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