not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Sunday, July 7, 2024


 POST # 605

Just over a week ago, The Thoughtful Wanderer once again arrived at Casablanca.  Who knew that Casablanca was situated right here in Cadboro Bay, on Vancouver Island?

But the above photo is the proof.  There is Blanca, standing in front of her house (casa).  As she originates from Mexico, it seems rather appropriate to call this place, Casablanca.  After all, casa is the Spanish word for house, and even though she is now transplanted to an English speaking country, she probably still retains some words in Spanish, and I imagine that casa is one of those words.  

It has been a very relaxing week here with Blanca.  She is such an easy bonehead to spend time with, so we have enjoyed our time together.  The weather has been sunny each and every day, so it's wonderful to get outside and take Blanca for her daily walks.  There are two different beaches within walking distance, and we make sure to spend time at each one, every day.

Here is Blanca spending time at one of those beaches, Telegraph Cove.

Of course, we can't spend all day at the beach, so after that is done, there is plenty of time to relax out in the backyard.  After all, she needs to relax following all of those walks.  And she certainly knows how to do that.

She looks happy, and so is The Thoughtful Wanderer.  It's a real pleasure to spend time with Blanca, and I'm looking forward to doing that for another week, here at Casablanca.

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

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