POST # 559
From Sam's point of view, it doesn't get much better than this, as a way to start the day. During my time here in Ladysmith, caring for Sam and Tess, this became Sam's morning ritual. As soon as he heard that I was awake, he would come racing up the stairs and settle himself down in between my legs. He probably could have stayed here all day long, because as you can see, he looks rather relaxed. But before long, it was time for me to get up and head back downstairs with Sam, in order to join Tess in the kitchen. The furballs demanded breakfast, so before I attended to any other item, breakfast was served. Soon after, they would both be back upstairs in my room sleeping again. What a rough life. Mind you, it certainly is an easy house/pet sit, when I can just do my own thing all day long, while the furballs dream about whatever they dream about. They probably dream about sleeping even more.
But yesterday, the party came to an end. Sam and Tess's owners returned home, and I had to head to my next gig, here in Nanaimo. I've lost track of how many times I've been at my current location, but it's a wonderful place to spend some time, and the view overlooking the harbour is spectacular.
So it's time now to hang out with Eunice, and even though, she's a timid bonehead, I think that ever so slowly, she's coming around to trusting the house sitter. Her owner left this morning, and I just happened to get this photo of Eunice, as she drove away. Her look says it all.
A few hours have now passed since I took this photo, and Eunice seems to have come to terms with the fact that she is once again stuck with me for a while. Soon enough, we will be into a regular routine, and things will settle down for her.
Now just to backtrack in time for a moment, I had to include these two photos which I took about three days ago, down by the marina in Ladysmith. This visit to the marina had become a part of my daily walk, and I found a particular bench overlooking the marina, which had a wonderful tree next to it, that allowed me to be in the shade. While sitting there relaxing the other day, I heard the sound of what could only be an eagle. The sound was right up above me, so I walked a short distance from the bench, and there it was sitting in the tree. I took one photo, and then decided to take one more, and it was just a fluke that I managed to catch the eagle right at the moment that it took off from the branch. Both photos are somewhat blurry, but you get the picture. I was happy to have been there at the moment of take off.
grateful for every breath,
The Thoughtful Wanderer
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