not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


POST # 119

This would have to be the most unique home on the housesitting tour so far. The original dome was built in the early "70"s and as the family grew, so did the home. If you look closely in the second photo, you might just see the cat that lives here, nestled on the roof at the base of the chimney stack. The cat's name is Kitty.

My housesitting friend Mary and I moved in a few days ago, and it's been a very relaxed and quiet place to be for a short while. The dome is located in Snohomish county due east of Everett, and it is situated on a 30 acre parcel of land. Unfortunately for me, I will be leaving this dome of tranquility this coming Friday, en route back to Canada and my next housesit in Harrison Hot Springs. It will be back to a more suburban lifestyle which I know will be an adjustment to make, but such is the life of the wandering house sitter that I have become over the past two and a half years or so.

A funny incident happened on the day we arrived. We were walking around the property when a guy drove past us on his motorcycle. He parked by the workshop and after he stopped and pulled off his helmet, the conversation went as follows:
"Hi, I'm Paul"
"My name is Peter"
"And this is my friend Mary"
"Peter, Paul and Mary"
Much laughter followed, as we were all of the vintage to know who Peter, Paul and Mary were.

The sun has been shining all week, and it's been a real pleasure to be here.

That's enough for now.

Happy trails


The Thoughtful Wanderer

PS: Here are a few more photos of the dome home and the cat at night time.

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