not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


POST # 103

Caption: "OK Paul, what should we do now?"

As the old saying goes, every picture is worth a thousand words, so I guess I won't have to write too many of them today.

After only a week, Bill the furball, and Abby the bonehead, have come to the conclusion, that the house sitter isn't such a bad guy to have around after all, and so most days we can all be found in the same room together enjoying each others company. These two are wonderful company and the week has gone by in a flash.

Where we are in Maple Bay is about 7km outside of the town of Duncan, where I need to go in order to get more supplies, however, there has been plenty to graze on in the refrigerator up to now, so I've just stayed put. The location is super quiet, and I do like that aspect, and there are some good trails around to take Abby for a walk, so I have no complaints, and by the looks on Bill and Abby's faces, neither do they. Of course, Bill doesn't join us on the walk as you would expect. He's happy to keep guard over the house while we are gone, however my guess is that as a guard cat, he doesn't do a very good job, as most of the time he spends sleeping. That's what cats do. He has some favourite places to sleep, but the other day I gave him an additional option. He was lying in the bay window in the living room just as I was heading to bed, so I picked him up and placed him on the bed. "Hmmmmm, this looks like a comfie place to spend some time", he seemed to imply by the purring sound, and before long he was curled up and snoozing away. Abby on the other hand has been content to sleep in the owner's room, even though I've tried to have her come into my room by putting her blanket in there. So far it hasn't worked, and she seems to be happy where she is.

All things considered, it's a very easy and relaxed housesit and I am grateful that the owner accepted my offer to do it.


This blog wouldn't be complete as far as I am concerned, if I didn't at least mention THE POLAR VORTEX which has been in the news of late. It was the result of a meandering jet stream which brought frigid Arctic air way down south, and put much of Canada and the USA in a deep freeze condition. Of course, the ever dwindling crowd of climate change deniers had a field day because how could we be having global warming if it's so freaking cold outside. They don't understand, or don't want to understand the science behind the conditions. In addition to the frigid air dropping way down south, warm air was pushed north, which has the effect of increasing the warming in the Arctic, which only helps to exacerbate the situation. This feedback loop is now well in place, and will no doubt strengthen as time passes. That's enough said for now on that topic, otherwise I may lose the remainder of my dwindling audience.

Back here in Maple Bay, the three of us are pondering our options for the day ahead. Abby and I will be going for a walk or two, and Bill will be sleeping of course. I may also take the bus into town to pick up some supplies. When I return, I imagine that I will have the two of them staring at me like in the photo, wondering, "What should we do now, Paul?"

Happy Trails,


The Thoughtful Wanderer

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