not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 POST # 613

Back in the old days, when I began this blog, every post was filled with words, and had no photos.  As time progressed, photos started to appear, and they have been a regular feature for many years now.  But today, it's back to words only.  Why the change?  Here's why.

Yesterday, when we arrived at the train station, in preparation for my departure, Mary noticed that I had left my Ipod Touch device at her place.  I couldn't believe it, but it was true.  Stupid me.  In all my years of travel, I have developed the habit of always taking a second look prior to leaving anywhere, to make sure that I have everything, but yesterday I screwed up.  With nothing to take photos with, I'm left with only words. 

As it turned out, the train was almost one hour late departing, and of course, if we had known that, we would have had plenty of time to return to her home, collect the Ipod, and be back at the station in time to board the train.  But we couldn't have known that the train was going to be that late, so I boarded without it.

It was a slow journey back to Canada, with frequent stops along the way.  Better late than never, we arrived, and it was time to go through the standard Customs check at the station.  Lately, that has been a pretty quick affair, but that wasn't the case last night.  I got asked many of the usual questions, and the border guard seemed to be content with my responses.  I figured that any moment, he would give me the go ahead to clear customs, but oh no, not this time around.  He sent me to another room for a second round of inspection.  I'd been through this about two years previous, and it was time to do it again.  The agent opened up my bags and as he pulled everything out, the questions just kept on coming.  I was beginning to wonder just how long I was going to be there, when he asked what I did for a living.  I told him that I was retired, but that I used to drive a ferry at Granville Island.  As soon as I said that, he relaxed and had a chuckle, because he too, had done the same job some years ago.  We had found some common ground.   At that point, he ended his inspection, and welcomed me back into the country.

I was the very last person to clear customs, and it wasn't much before midnight before I arrived at my current destination of my niece Nicole, and her husband Dan's place in Yaletown.  It's time for another round of petsitting Ollie the furball, and if I had my device, I could add a photo.  But that will have to wait for another time I'm afraid.

So for now, I am back to words only, but I am working on a plan to retrieve my device before too long, so that once again, I'll be able to add a few select photos.  

grateful for every breath,


The Thoughtful Wanderer

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