not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Friday, August 21, 2020


POST # 419


So, now what?  This thought keeps popping into my brain, as I ponder what happens the moment after I clear Customs and Immigration next week at Vancouver airport.  But first, let's talk about this past week, here in Florida.

In spite of the tropical heat and humidity, I have had a marvelous week, and I think that Devo and Lilou would concur.  I have tried to spend as much time as possible with these two, and enjoy their company.  We've settled into a very comfortable routine.  On any house/pet sit, it takes a few days to get that routine established, but the three of us are now there.


A typical day begins around 7am with our first visit outside.  Bladders are emptied, and we do a little reconnaissance around the back yard, check out the sunrise, and watch the myriad of little geckos scamper away as we approach.  Then it's back inside to serve the baby boneheads their breakfast, while I get the coffee ready.

Devo and Lilou settle back in for their first nap of the day.  After all, they've been up for all of about ten minutes, so they need some beauty rest.  As I enjoy my coffee, I have the opportunity to do some reading, or perhaps listen to a podcast.

Then it's time to head out to the pool, for my early morning soak, and this is also when the three of us get to spend some quality time together.  They love to come up to the side of the pool and let me pet them, and in return, I get licked to death, mostly by Lilou.  This morning soak/play lasts for the better part of an hour, but with the heat and humidity rising,  there comes the time to go back inside, to cool down, and for them to have another nap.  It's breakfast time.

I am thankful that I have a bicycle to ride and with the exception of a couple of days when the sky was looking as black as I have ever seen a sky look, I get out and explore the local area.  The remainder of the afternoon is spent back home enjoying the backyard, with a second pool dip on the agenda, as soon as the sun has moved lower in the western sky so that I can enjoy soaking in the shade.



The day is coming to a close, the sun has just set and so we retire once again. It's time now to put Devo and Lilou into the crate that they sleep in,  say goodnight to them, and then I go back to reading.  One last trip outside to gaze at the stars, and then I am ready to hit the hay.


Now getting back to the "So now what" question that I began this post with, next week on August 27th, I will fly back to Vancouver, with my arrival time scheduled for just after 8pm local time.  It will be the first time back into Canada since I departed way back on March 16th,  over 5 months ago.  I suspect that everything should be "normal" until I am cleared through customs and immigration.  But from then on, it's anyone's guess as to what my fate will be.  According to what I have read so far, I will be put into a quarantine facility, and there I will have to remain for 14 days.  I have no idea where said facility is located, but perhaps it will be a hotel near the airport.  Fourteen days in the same room.  That should be an interesting adventure.  I've had many adventures in my life, but being locked into a room for that length of time is new territory.  Once there (wherever there is),  I hope that there is an internet connection because email will be my communication tool.  I have already asked a friend that I worked with at Aquabus, to provide me with a food drop, so I shouldn't starve to death, however, if for some reason, I can't get in touch with my friend Congo Bob then I guess it's going to be a hungry two weeks.  I can afford to lose some weight, but two weeks could be a challenge.

Anyhow, that's my situation, and I guess I will know soon enough how it all pans out. The day after my arrival is blog day, so IF I have an internet connection, and IF I get in touch with Congo Bob, I will be able to write a few words with regards to my situation.

So stay tuned readers.  A post next week will mean that I at least have the internet.  If there is no post, then you can all speculate as to what my situation is.  I have been through way more challenging situations in my life than a two-week quarantine, so it should be fine.  I'm sure to find out next week.

Right now though, I am going to head back out into that tropical paradise.  I want to spend as many hours as possible outside until I depart.  

grateful for every breath (even in a hotel room),

The Thoughtful Wanderer

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