not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Sunday, April 21, 2019


POST # 355***

It has now been just over seven years since I broke my leg in five places,  and I will be forever grateful for the fact that I still have the capacity to walk anywhere.

This ability to get from one place to the next on foot, is most likely something that is taken for granted by the vast majority of the population.  I'm not on that list.

So I have been taking advantage of this mobility, during my house sit here in Pleasantville, New York.  Each and every day, rain or shine, I strap on my thrift store purchased hiking boots, have a  look at google maps to plan my route, and with a quick good-bye to the "Yorkies of New York", I head out the front door to begin my journey.  

With four compass points to chose from, there are plenty of interesting places to travel to, and I have made a practice of choosing a number of different locations to walk, in and around the village.  And Pleasantville really does have a village feel to it, which I appreciate.  

Having been at this location now, for just over three weeks,  I have had ample time to check out the various compass points, but there are a few walks that have become my favourites, and have warranted return journeys.  Each walk is about 5 kms long, which is a decent distance to strive for.  The other day I ventured onto a new route, and during that walk, I came across the plaque featured at the top of this blog post.  It was a fluke that I even saw it, because it was low to the ground and probably only about eighteen inches square.  I was on the other side of the road at the time, and my curiosity got the better of me.  I just had to take a look, and I'm glad that I made the effort.  It's been there since 1865, which is old by human standards, but not very long, when one considers that the earth has been around for about forty-five million centuries.  That puts things in perspective, at least for me.  

In addition to the interesting sights and sounds that I get to experience along my journey, I try to focus on breathing deeply, and walking properly.  Walking properly for me entails concentrating on each step with the goal of achieving a complete range of motion at the ankle joints, especially the right one, which is my metal-enhanced ankle, containing two plates and twenty screws.  It's come a long way since 2012.

This morning is racing by, and it looks like it's going to be another lovely spring day out there, so it's time to strap on those walking boots, and head out once again for my daily walk.  Perhaps, I'll pass by one of the many graveyards dotted around the area.

There's nothing like a stroll through a graveyard, to help you appreciate your limited time on this planet.

maximizing my moments,

The Thoughtful Wanderer
*** 355-One of my favourite number sequences, the month and year of my birth.

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