not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Friday, September 21, 2018


POST # 327

Here we are on the cusp of the Autumnal Equinox, and I really thought that I would be writing about our first ever BOE.  BOE stands for blue ocean event.  All of the signs earlier in the year were pointing to the fact that by this time in 2018, the Arctic would be ice-free for the first time in the human experience on the planet.

But it didn't happen.

One of the theories put forth is  that because of the tremendous amount of smoke in the atmosphere as a direct result of all of the fires this year, it caused some additional masking of the incoming rays of the sun, which helped to preserve whatever is left of the Arctic ice. This blocking of the sun's rays is called global dimming.

But it won't be long.

If I am still able to write a blog by this time next year, I suspect that I will be confirming that a BOE has already taken place.  Of course, when that finally happens, whenever it may be, the methane that is currently increasing due to the melting permafrost etc. will probably really take off.  If we think it's bad now, just wait.  How does the old saying go, "today is better than tomorrow."

In the meanwhile there are plenty of other shall we say "interesting" things happening on many different fronts, and it looks to me that the wheels could well and truly come off of the wagon long before next September.  Time will tell.

Thankfully for the Thoughtful Wanderer, I continue to work on being in the present moment, and as a result of this state of mind, I can appreciate even more than before, just how precious my life is. It helps me to enjoy even more than before, the beauty of a sunset over the ocean.

living in acceptance,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

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