One of my favourite times of the day here in Belize is the early morning. The above photo was taken then. The temperature is still on the cool side and the air is filled with the sweet songs of birds. Of course, long before this photo was captured, the resident roosters have been busy waking up the neighbourhood.
One of the tasks that has been offered to me while I'm here is to sort out the mountain of books that Pauline brought with her from New York. Thanks to my friend Ted, I have been a lover of books since I met him way back in the '70's. It was Ted who got me reading, for which I am most grateful. Most of what I know today, I credit to book reading. So when I was asked to help out with this current project, it was a no brainer.
Here is a photo of just a section of the book chaos.
To be more precise, this is one of the completed sections, but there is plenty more to do, to help keep me amused.
Finally for today's post, I have to make mention of the magnificent starry sky that I sit under each night prior to retiring. It took a few nights to get myself oriented as the North star is only about 17 degrees above the horizon, compared to 49 degrees in Vancouver, but after two weeks here, the new configuration seems normal to me.
My visit is now about 40% complete, and as always these days, the time goes by faster than expected.
Spending some of that time hanging out with Guy.
living a life of simple acceptance,
The Thoughtful Wanderer