not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Friday, November 14, 2014


POST # 144

The earth continued its journey around the sun last night and by this morning, the sun appeared in the sky to the east. It's been sunny here all week, but the temperature has certainly cooled off from when I began this house sit.

However, in comparison to other places on the continent, here in Nanoose Bay it's relatively warm. That meandering jet stream is playing its roll again, with temperatures in some parts of Alaska, warmer than the south eastern USA. A small sliver of the west coast is on the "right" side of the jet stream, ie: the warm side, and Nanoose Bay is included. Not sure how long this will last, but Chumlee and I are enjoying the sunshine for now.

On my bike ride yesterday, I came across some ice in the ditch by the side of the road,

and a short while later, a deer in the neighbourhood. There are plenty more like this one around.

Continuing on my ride, I found a path in the woods that I hadn't seen before, so I took a slight detour to check it out.

This was a good place to stop for a while, and just BE. It was very soothing to the soul.

Eventually, I returned home to enjoy my view of the back yard.

Because it's been rather chilly lately, it was time to fire up the wood stove. The act of making a fire takes me back to my Yukon days and living at SNUG.

Chumlee appreciates the effort and likes to take full advantage of the heat that the stove provides. I don't usually start the wood stove until later in the day, and an alternative is to hide out in the office with a small space heater. Chumlee's never far behind me.

It's amazing how close he likes to be to the heater, but I guess he knows his limits, so I just let him be. I told Chumlee a very funny dog joke, and it just cracked him up with laughter. This is him laughing.

I received such a great reaction, I decided to tell him an even FUNNIER dog joke, and this is the result.

He gets so exhausted from laughing so hard, that he needs to take a well deserved rest on his bed near the window.

Eventually the day comes to a close, and it's time to give Chumlee a kiss goodnight.

Then one more task to complete prior to bedtime. A walk outside to listen to the sea lions barking across the bay, and a few precious moments to gaze up at the night sky, and just be amazed at the beauty of it all.

Happy Trails,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

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