not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Friday, June 7, 2013


POST # 74

According to the dictionary I am referencing, two of the four definitions for the word limbo are:

1- a region on the border of hell or heaven, serving as the abode after death of unbaptized infants.

2- an intermediate, transitional or midway state of place.

The first reference is from Roman Catholic theology, a doctrine that I let settle into the dustbin of my history a very very long time ago.
The second definition is much more appropriate in my case, as this is what happens to a house/pet sitter when a housesit that was booked, had to cancel due to illness. So my limbo is the space between the last housesit and the next one, whenever and wherever that may be.

It is a holiday from pet responsibilities, and even though I love the animals that I have had the opportunity to care for, it is nice every once and a while to be pet free. In the land of petsitter limbo I am free to roam around at will and explore new opportunities for places to rest my bones at the end of the day. Some places are more comfortable than others, but I take it all in stride, and just let the journey unfold as it will.

This limbo land allows me to ponder life, even more than I usually do. How long this particular period will last is still up for debate, however I know that at some point, it will end, and that I will be back in the petsitting seat again, ready to take on the next critter or critters that are in my future.

By the time my next blog post rolls around, the landscape which surrounds me could be completely different.

The adventure continues.

Happy Trails,


The Thoughtful Wanderer

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