not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Friday, March 7, 2025


 POST # 637

As mentioned in a previous blog post,  I have been taking Dora-dog out for a daily walk.  According to google maps, the distance we cover is 3.6 miles, which is a decent walk.  It takes on average about one hour and twenty minutes to complete our journey.  Even though we travel the same route each and every day, the walk is always unique, because there are different people, and more importantly, as far as Dora-dog is concerned, there are different dogs to meet along the way.

This morning she met one of her favourite bonehead friends, who goes by the name of Kodiak.  They always enjoy a few moments together.  And of course there is her favourite UPS courier driver named Hector.  She's always excited to see him, because she gets a dog biscuit from him, and right after she eats the biscuit she barks at him.  Go figure.  Hector gets a laugh out of it, as do I, and then we are once again on our way.

On our return journey, we pass by the La Conner Brewery, which is an establishment that Mary and I have visited on occasion.  There is an entrance off of the street that goes to an outside seating area, where dogs are allowed.  Each time we walk past the entrance, Dora-dog automatically makes a turn to go in, and as much as I am tempted sometimes to follow her in, we do the right thing and continue our journey homeward.

Eventually we reach the bridge once again, and soon we are back home, after our 3.6 mile adventure.  It's time for a rest.  And she has earned it.  Before you know it, it will be tomorrow, and we will once again be off on our way to town and back.  I'm quite sure that we can both use the exercise.

Changing subjects, I am now officially 70 years old, and Mary went to the trouble of arranging a birthday dinner for me and some friends, and afterwards we headed back home to enjoy some cake.  

That rounds out the news for this past week.

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

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