POST # 628
What is that strange bright object in the sky? The other morning it appeared for the first time, and because it has been such a rare visitor since I arrived here, I felt compelled to take a photo of it, as well as a photo of my current home, with the sun shining upon it.
And it was a good thing that I took those two photos when I did, because with very few exceptions, it's been rain, rain, and more rain. And when it isn't raining, the sky is overcast most of the time. On one of my former visits, we had plenty of snow, and at this time of year, I'd much prefer the snow over the rain. I guess it must be my prairie roots showing through. In December, back in Alberta, it would always be snow. Ah well, at least I get to be here to experience whatever the weather is producing.
Since my last visit, Howard and Sally purchased a brand new fireplace, and it works like a charm. It has been getting plenty of use since I arrived, and I am thankful to have it, as the days have been on the cooler side for sure. Having to start and maintain a fire everyday is something that I have had plenty of experience doing, so it's a rather simple chore for me to accomplish. Mind you, it does make one aware of just how spoiled we are, when we can just turn a dial on the wall and provide heat via electricity or gas. A fireplace is certainly more work, but on the other hand, it seems to provide a calming effect, when one stares at the fire.
One of the neighbours has a new edition of pigs since I was last here, or at least I don't remember them from before. Caper always wants to go up to the fence line to say hello, and the pigs are just as curious on their side. But everyone involved seems to have a respect for the electric fence that separates us all. The pigs are happy to be on their side, and Caper and his house sitter are content to remain at a distance on this side.
Of course, Caper isn't the only four-legged critter that I have the pleasure of spending time with. Logan the furball is here as well. Logan spends plenty of his time outdoors, but every now and again we get to have the pleasure of his company for a while.
From the house sitter's point of view, they are both great company to have around. Even though Logan is MIA for the majority of each day, when he is here, he is a very happy furball indeed. And Caper should be re-named Shadow, because he follows me wherever I go in the house. He seems to have settled down as well since my last two visits, and I'm thankful for that.
I have some new neighbours since my last visit here, and they have been kind enough to take Caper for a long walk on most days which I am grateful for. These days, the old right ankle is beginning to seize up, so long walks are more of a challenge than they used to be. Mind you, the surgeon who put my leg back together in 2012 told me at that time, that eventually this would be the case. But hey, considering that the first surgeon that I met with mentioned that I may have to get my foot amputated, a little bit of arthritis is a very small price to pay indeed.
Well, I guess that just about sums things up for 2024 as far as my blog goes. The next post will be in the new year of 2025. It has been an interesting year in more ways than one, and no doubt 2025 holds some more surprises in store. I imagine that there will be both good and bad surprises on the horizon, and I guess we'll have to wait and see how 2025 unfolds. I for one, am just happy to still be here, and participating in life. What more could one ask for?
grateful for every breath,
The Thoughtful Wanderer
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