not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 POST # 610

While we were away in Spokane, some of the local deer population has decided to hang out under Mary's cedar tree, in order to stay out of the heat.  There have been up to three of them there at the same time, and we have a good viewpoint from the kitchen window.  Dora-dog would just love to get out there and chase as many deer as possible, but with the road right behind the tree, it would not be a wise decision to let her loose.  

Having been away for a while, there were plenty of projects to do around the house.  My week started with the pruning of a tree out front.  It now looks much tidier since I began chopping the branches from it.  Dora-dog is keeping a watchful eye on my work, just to make sure that it's up to her standards.

From tree pruning to awning washing, the work projects continued.  There are a total of four awnings such as this one, and they certainly needed a scrub down.  They look so much better now that the job is complete.

Taking a break in the work schedule, we headed out to visit Mary's son Ben on his property, which is about an hour's drive from here in Shelter Bay.  He had recently arrived back from Hawaii with his girlfriend Simone, and it was nice to spend some time out there for a visit.  

Back home there was another project to do, which was to replace a rotting board on the deck.  The job took way longer than I had anticipated, due to the fact that all of the screws attaching the board to the deck, were completely rusted.  Eventually, I had to resort to using a saw to cut the board away from the deck, and replace it with a new board.  Thankfully, Dora-dog was there to help me out, and keep an eye on things to make sure that the job was done correctly.

And that pretty well sums up the week that was.  As I type these words, the deer is back again under the cedar tree out front.  It seems to have decided to make this spot its new home.

grateful for every breath,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

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