not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Thursday, March 21, 2019


POST # 351

Whoa!!!  Well I guess that that is one way to go, and probably more environmentally friendly than the usual process that most of us go through at the end.  Perhaps it's also the reason that my friend Ann Marie's garden is so bountiful each summer. (???) Lucky for me, that I'm not trespassing.  I've been invited here again, to take care of the resident furball, Silken.

Since my last visit, Ann Marie has enclosed her side deck with netting, and Silken is now a very happy "indoor" cat.  Even though she can't roam freely around the neighbourhood, having access to the fresh air outside is a major step up for her enjoyment level.  She loves it out on the deck, and from the moment we get up each day, I find her waiting at the sliding glass door, in anticipation of me setting her free.  It's so important, that she wants to go out there even before her breakfast is served.

The weather has certainly been gorgeous since my arrival last Sunday.  It's been one sunny day after another.  Spring is now officially here, but it almost feels like summer.  The warm weather doesn't surprise me, and Silken is blissfully unaware of what may be the cause.  Lucky Silken.

I've been joining her on the deck each day, and I get a laugh from watching her as she keeps tabs on the multitude of bird life, as well as the occasional squirrel or two, and the neighbourhood cats and dogs as the roam past her viewpoint.

Of course, the deck time doesn't stop once the sun has set.  Silken likes to hang out there after dark, prior to getting her final bedtime snack.  Last night we both enjoyed the evening light cast by the full moon, but eventually, it was time for bed.

Now that I'm here, Silken prefers to sleep in my room, which I am happy about.  She has her own little bed in the window, and while I do some reading before it's lights out, Silken is content to settle in after another relaxing day.

"What ya readin' for, Paul?"

Even though she only has three legs, she'll be right back at it tomorrow.

In the meantime, I'll keep an eye out for trespassers, just in case Ann Marie needs additional compost for her garden this spring.

maximizing my moments,

The Thoughtful Wanderer

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