not all those who wander are lost


Cree leader, Wandering Spirit

Friday, December 28, 2012


POST # 55

I awoke this morning with many thoughts on my mind. Watson hadn't noticed that I was awake, which I could tell because of the continuous snoring sound that was emanating from his nose, so I took adavantage of this fact and just lay there thinking about things, and about what I was planning to do with this new precious day that had dawned.

Because it was blog day, the last blog for the year as a matter of fact, I was pondering what I would write about today. One of the thoughts I did have was to write about the year just spent, about where I have been and what animals I have cared for. With this in mind I pushed back the covers, which caused the snore machine to wake up out of his slumber and soon we were up and at it.

It was a relatively early start to my day and so things were looking good as far as getting my writing done, and the fact that I had some idea of the subject matter made things look even more promising. So this is where I found myself early this morning. And then the phone rang.

The call was from a friend back in Canada, and it was unexpected and if it wasn't for the call display on the phone which let me know where the call was coming from, I quite likely would have just let the answering machine pick up. Most calls at this hour are from some robot trying to sell something. But I did answer and we ended up talking for quite a while. We talked about a variety of subjects but at some point in the conversation, the subject swung around to a website that I have been following for a couple of years now at least, called "Nature Bats Last" which is produced by Dr. Guy McPherson. I've touched on the subject matter contained therein from time to time on my blog but I don't think that I have ever mentioned the website by name up until today. Anyhow, this came up in our conversation, and this friend was very open to at least listening to what I had to say regarding the information presented at NBL. He was interested to the point where he said that he would follow up by having a look and perhaps we could discuss it on a future call. I guess time will tell whether he looks at it or not, but I trust his word, so I imagine that we will be talking about it in future phone conversations. The information presented there really gets to the heart of the matter regarding the subject of climate change, and it's a subject that I have followed now since way back in 2005. It's also a subject that seems to be one of those topics that one is never suppose to talk about in polite company, like politics or religion as it can alienate a lot of folks. Thankfully I am beyond worrying about the impact the topic may or may not have on the listener now, and so it does come up in conversation time and again. So, this friend and I ended up talking at length about the website and after I got off the call, I thought for a while, and decided to write about it here. If as a result of our conversation, the information presented there is explored by one more person, then it was a conversation worth having. If by writing this blog and mentioning the website by name causes others to read the information contained therein, then all the better.

Our conversation was over and it was good to have an opportunity to catch up and talk even though some of the subject matter wasn't easy to talk about. Sitting here at the computer, the snore machine which is Watson the dog, is right back to doing what he does best. He is curled up on my lap and is snoring away contentedly. It amazes me that he doesn't wake himself up as a result of the sound of his own snoring, but I suppose he's used to it by now. After almost two weeks here, I too am slowly adapting to his sound as well.

This is a rather short entry but it seems to be all the words I can come up with for now. Perhaps 2013 will help to pry a few more words out of my head. We'll have to wait and see.

Happy Trails,
The Thoughtful Wanderer

A late PS:

At precisely 6:18pm tonight, I stood in the desert and watched awestruck as the full moon rose in the eastern sky. It may well be the most spectacular moonrise that I have ever had the pleasure to experience, and I was happy to be alive to watch it.

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