POST # 632
I always crack up laughing, when I get this look from Blanca each and every morning. She's waiting for breakfast, and her look makes me wonder if she thinks that she will be getting breakfast or not? I've never let her down so far, but I still get that same look each and every day.
Prior to arriving here, and considering that it is January, I was expecting rain for the majority of my visit. How wrong I have been on that prediction. It has been clear blue sky on each and every day, and I am most grateful for that. But it looks like that is coming to an end tomorrow, according to the weather forecast. Ah well, it's been good while it lasted.
The weather has been so nice, that Blanca has even wanted to be out on the back deck to catch a few rays on most days. Even though the air temperature isn't that warm, she doesn't seem to be bothered by that fact. When I've been here in the summertime, she practically spends the entire day out there.
But once the sun has gotten too far down on the horizon, there are plenty of beds scattered around the house for Blanca to settle in. She certainly likes her sleep, and can be quite content spending hours at a time on one of these various beds.
And there is always time in the evening, to relax on the couch with the housesitter. This has become an evening tradition on this visit. We are in the room with the fireplace, so it's the ideal location to hang out together.
But our time to hangout is rapidly coming to a close, and by the end of the week, the owners will be returning home, and I will once again be on my way. It's always a pleasure to spend time with Blanca, and I look forward to doing it again in the future, if the opportunity presents itself.
Thanks Blanca, for sharing some of your precious time with me.
grateful for every breath,
The Thoughtful Wanderer
And a PS: If you are feeling unhappy, here are some words of wisdom.